I’ve fallen and can’t get up!
This actually happened to me
a few days ago!
I woke up feeling a little groggy that day, not
having slept very well and then, I ran around completing chores around the house, cleaning, sorting, organizing and half way during the day, my
body starting shutting down. I felt like I was about to get an MS attack.
“There goes my 6 year claim of
being attack free.” I said to myself.
Thankfully, it was not an attack.
What it was, was a cause and
effect. This was an effect. The cause.....?
I had been in Toronto the previous week, visiting
friends, family and my doctor and it was quite hectic. My routine was out of
whack - no exercise, no meditation, less water, improper diet, traffic stress in
Toronto, being overwhelmed by the number of cars and people everywhere, meeting with
friends and family, the physical and emotional excitement, and the list can
go on.
took two days to get there, eight days of running around meeting people and
over exerting
myself, and then,
two days to return, followed by my household chores and sorting
out, laundry, cleaning, tending to my plants, etc. I did not stop. I was not drinking enough, not
out, laundry, cleaning, tending to my plants, etc. I did not stop. I was not drinking enough, not
consuming enough essential oils (to help myelin support) and definitely not providing any
opportunity for my body to re-energize itself.
opportunity for my body to re-energize itself.
On top of that, the
day after we got back, I drove
to Halifax, and went to Costco, drove
back, and then sat at the
computer writing a letter
against some ‘unjust cause’ until 2:00am.
The cumulative effect of all this physical and mental stress, caused my body to simply shutdown.
The cumulative effect of all this physical and mental stress, caused my body to simply shutdown.
Did it ever shut down! One moment I was fine and the next, I could not move. I tried to stand up but my legs could not support my body. My knees buckled and down I went. No matter what I did, I could not get back up again. I crawled around the room, trying to lift myself but my arms had also lost their strength. I really thought this was the end.
All I could do was pound on the
floor so Michael (my caregiver, who was downstairs cooking) would hear me. By this time, my
head started hurting and I was sure I was having an attack.
Michael heard the pounding and
came upstairs to see what was going on and found me on the floor. He lifted me and almost had to carry me to the sofa.
He immediately wrote to Doctor Chang
and she called as soon as she got the message.
It was not an attack. It was ‘adrenal
fatigue’ after having been physically and mentally stressed for over a week.
I had also somehow reduced my consumption of essential
Apart from the fish oils, I need to consume good oils like coconut oil, flax seed oil, cold pressed olive oil and grape seed oil. All that socializing and eating out had cost me!
Doctor Chang also
asked me if I was doing my calming breathing exercises. I told her, I was, but had not done
them for over a week. I had also not meditated since we left for Toronto, over 10 days ago!Apart from the fish oils, I need to consume good oils like coconut oil, flax seed oil, cold pressed olive oil and grape seed oil. All that socializing and eating out had cost me!
Is it a surprise that after over
ten days of `go go go” my body had enough?
It is always a cause and effect.Had I gone to the hospital, they would have probably just treated the symptoms and given me some steroids. They do not care why a symptom exists, They care that it exists and will prescribe poisons to mask the symptoms.
Thank God, I am still drug free!
So now I have to make more positive changes to my life:
1. Increase
my consumption of essential oils – avocados, coconut oil for cooking, and cold
pressed olive oil on my salad
2. Resume
breathing exercises, regular exercises and meditation
3. Reduce
getting stressed over almost everything. (Ha ha!)
4. Eat
lots of protein and brightly coloured
vegetables. Since I am on a paleolithic diet, I do not consume any
carbohydrates and therefore my energy drains faster.
5. Think
‘happy thoughts’, do ‘happy things’
and speak ‘happy words’ while avoiding unnecessary physical and mental
stress. I need to adapt the ‘what gets done, gets done and what does not get
done will get done some other time’ mentality. Most times I do.
Reinventing Life everyday has become my way of life.
I was on a 'high' from all that socializing and activity and now, it was time to slow down and resume my regular pace of life.
People do not realize how the stresses of daily living harm the body.
My body is already weak to begin with and this affected me drastically.
Imagine what it is doing to all those ’healthy’ people who are constantly stressed, trying to meet deadlines, who have to look a certain way, dress a certain way, contend with irate people, traffic, bad news on the tv and radio, and then, on top of it all, be poisoned by the toxicity of our daily living!!!!!!
All these stresses individually and combined, really do create havoc in our lives.
It is not just our food and drink that need attention, it is everything from what we see, what we breathe, what we hear, what we think, our stress levels, how we treat people, how we treat ourselves, how we interact with the people in our lives, to the clothes we wear and the air we breathe.
The combination of all the things we consume (physically, mentally and emotionally) will and do affect us (positively or negatively).
We want only those things that affect us positively.
if we falter, it is important to get back on the wellness path as soon as possible.
For more information on adrenal fatigue, see:
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