Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Appointment Today................................

I see my naturopath every week.
initially it started out with once month. Then, it became every week.

When I lost a big part of my business, I cut my visits down to every two weeks.

I leave for the West Coast in a couple of weeks and decided to see her every week so that I may have enough support for when I am gone.

Dr Chang (my naturopath) was very happy with my progress. She said that healing is not just the taking of medication and supplements; it is of the spirit too and the spirit needs to be at a stage that can enable and help the body heal.
She also thought this blog was a great idea as not only keeps me thinking creatively but it also enables me to help others.that keeps my spirit happy and enables my healing.
My mother was with me at my appointment and she was happy and satisfied that I was ready for the big trip we are planning

We are planning to fly to Calgary, rent a car in Calgary and drive to Vancouver, where we will be for about ten days and then drive to Edmonton for a wedding. I am told it is a hard drive but I know I can do it. I am also taking my wheelchair with me so that I can do things in Vancouver without tiring myself out.

Indian music and music from the Glee soundtrack will keep me awake during my drive. The scenery and beauty will appeal to my senses and add to my healing.

My supplements are all ready, I bought some gluten free bread and gluten free cereal and am taking my organic rice milk with me. We've purchased some snacks and munchies that I can eat. I am afraid, I will not be allowed to take my bottle of reverse osmosis water and have to drink that airplane bottle water. I will cross that bridge when I come to it, and by the way, I am packed. i do not want to risk over tiring myself close to the date of travel so I do a little everyday and I am now packed.

All in all it was a great appointment and I am ready to meet any challenge.