Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In the beginning..................................

I was first diagnosed with MS in 2006. I probably had it long before it was actually diagnosed.

Actually, come to think of it, I have still not yet been told that I have Multiple Sclerosis. In fact the first neurologist (whom I have since fired) I saw, wrote a report to my MD (whom I also fired) saying "it is unlikely that this patient has MS because of his African descent".

This is my story in a few words:

I was born in Kenya of third generation Indian parents. I was always pretty healthy but in my teens started having fainting spells and black outs. I was told I was anemic and was given iron pills.

In college, my fainting spells got worse and I was then diagnosed with low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. I was told to eat more oranges and when experiencing low blood sugar, to have sugar. ( Sugar only makes it worse as the blood sugar just rises and falls again due to excessive insulin - but since I trusted the doctor, I did what he said.)

I came to Canada in 1989. In late 1992, I developed a strange rash that looked like tiny mosquito bites. I saw several dermatologists who all took biopsy after biopsy and each sent me on an Aids test Somehow I felt, my hypoglycemia and my rash were both food related. I reduced my carbohydrate content and increased my protein intake. and both the rash and the hypoglycemia calmed down.

Several years later, I developed some new symptoms. I became extremely emotional, my right foot started dragging on occasion, especially when I was fatigued, my feet and hands started tingling and I fell down the stairs twice.

My then GP (the fired one) told me I had too much work stress and that my circulation was poor. He sent me to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist, I do not know, some counselor of sorts.

I had gone to Kenya to see my parents in 2004 and in 2005 and both times I had fallen extremely ill and even became blind for a couple of hours. I went to see a friend of the family who was a ENT and after conducting some tests, he told me there was something wrong neurologically.

On returning to Toronto, I saw a neurologist and in his waiting room, I read the symptoms or Multiple Sclerosis and knew I had it.

The neurologist conducted several tests and even sent me for some specialised tests because he thought I had Devic's disease. Well the conclusion was that I did not have Devic's and that I had Progressive MS

The first thing was a steroid drip and then prescription drugs and of course, drugs for the side effects and soon enough I decided that I had had enough of this circus and sought the services of a Naturopath. This changed my life because the treatments showed me immediate progress. I was not just treating my symptoms and I was actually reversing the disease.

I sought the services of several naturopaths, one in Toronto, two in Michigan and then finally settled on two here in Toronto.

My MS is progressive - meaning it is only supposed to get worse. I have proved that wrong. This is the reason why I wrote my book I Have Good News and Bad News", describing the last four years of my life with the challenges of living with MS, my trials and tribulations and my treatment success.

Yes the new treatments are all the talk these days and I have read all that there is to read on jugular veins and the 'liberation treatments'.

I have had as much success treating my illness as the patients who have had the procedure claim

I think the world has become drug dependant and procedure dependant. We need to listen to our bodies and help our bodies heal with supplements, nutrition and most of all, physical, mental and emotional balance.

The following posts outline my treatments and progress.