I still always enjoy them.
A lot of gurus have talked about juicing.
Juicing extracts the juices and discards the rest.
I just put everything in the blender/food processor and drink it while chewing at whatever is left unblended.
I make smoothies, home-made ice creams, blended fruit and vegetable juices, and will sometimes add dairy free milk (any of your choice), filtered water, spices like cinnamon and/or turmeric, and whatever else I can think of.
The ingredients depend on what I have in my fridge or freezer.
A few weeks ago, I was at the grocery store and they had over ripened organic bananas in their discount section. I bought a whole lot and froze them.
A few months ago, friends of mine brought me 8 cases of mangoes. I peeled them, cut them into chunks and froze them.
Costco had organic frozen Blueberries and I got some.
Last week, I made a Mango Ice Cream that was dairy free, sugar free and preservative free. Just frozen mangoes, and a little dairy free milk. That's it. I loved it!
This morning I made a blend using Organic Kale (stems and leaves) Organic Cucumber, frozen organic Blueberries, frozen organic Bananas, coconut cream, turmeric, and filtered water, and I am loving that too.
(I have to start my own
little jingle,something similar to “pa ra ra,
ra ra – I’m loving it”. That’s taken!
Anyway, here is what I
- 1 cup organic Kale –stems
and leaves
- ½ organic cucumber
(with the peel and seeds)
- 1 medium frozen
organic banana cut into chunks (remember to peel)
- ½ cup frozen organic
- ¼ block of 100%
coconut cream shaved
- ¾ cup filtered water
Put it all in the blender,
Set in on High Pulse and…………. till everything is blended. For a smoother
consistency, blend for about 3-4 minutes or more.
It did not look that great butit was quite tasty.
I could not taste the coconut and will make a milk and cool it down or freeze it an use frozen coconut cream cubes, and add some coconut milk or coconut water.
I could have had the blender
run longer for a smoother drink but I was too impatient.
I could have used dairy
free milk instead of water to make a nice creamy smoothie but I didn’t think
about it.
I could have put it in a
fancy glass with two celery stems and an organic strawberry but I didn’t.
I always do things in a
way that feels right at the time and this felt right just the way it was.
It is a hot sunny day and
this drink is/was delicious, cooling, refreshing and nutritious.
I just put it in a large
mug as I did not want to go back and forth to serve a glass at a time. I consumed
it all before even I finished writing this article.
I think I will make some more mango
ice cream later this afternoon!
Eat Healthy, Drink Healthy,
Breathe Healthy, Think Happy and Healthy - Be Healthy!
It is not that complicated!